Monday, 9 September 2013

Lakes in August 2013

What a great Bank Holiday weekend for weather and company. Lots of swimming, a couple of good walks (Wetherlam and High Crag/High Stile) and a Canadian canoe trip to Peel Island with my new spaniel friends, Charlie & Poppy!



You can see me here with Merlin and Dove on the pier, and then with Milo from Germany - 4 flatcoats who were all staying at Lake Bank!

Lakes in July 2013

Back in the Lakes again. Grrrrrrreat!


Lakes in May 2013

Just realised I haven't posted for a while. Been rather busy walking! Here are some pictures of me in the Lakes in May. We took part in the Wainwright Society Challenge again and walked part of the Coast to Coast along Haweswater.