Thursday, 24 December 2009

It's my birthday today!

I am now 2 years old.  I feel very grown up.  I am so grown up that I am jumping into the car voluntarily, and when playing fetch I am giving Daddy my ball into his hand to throw.  Daddy is very pleased - he's getting old and it saves him lifting me into the car and bending down to pick up a ball!

I had a duck for my birthday this morning.  I don't know whether to call it Donald, Jemima or Ducky.  I think maybe Jemima, because it is white (getting off-white very quickly!).

Daddy teased me as you can see from this videoclip.

More walks in the floods

Undeterred, we did some more walking. I bagged two Wainwrights - Pike O'Blisco and Cold Pike - and some more tarns (Little Stand Tarn and Cold Pike Tarn) on this one.  As you can see, the tarns were frozen; I hope that counts!

Pike O'Blisco, Little Stand and Cold Pike from Three Shires Stone

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Little Stand Tarn

Cold Pike Tarn

Tottlebank and Wool Knott

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Beacon Tarn and Beacon Fell

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Walks in the floods, the second weekend

This is my second weekend in the Lakes in the floods. We had a reunion with Daddy's friends he met on his Indian trek.


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Langdale Pikes - Pavey Ark and Harrison Stickle

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Beacon Fell

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Walks in the floods, the first weekend

Here is a record of my first weekend in the Lakes just after the floods.

Beacon Tarn and Beacon Fell

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Coniston Old Man from Torver

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A walk through Grizedale Forest

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Tent Lodge (Lodge Head) Tarn

Crinkle Crags

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Wednesday, 16 December 2009


The day we went up to the Lake District turned out to be the day of the floods. Water, water everywhere - fantastic. You can see more here:

Controlled greeting?

It's a long time since I put paw to keyboard, but I'm back from various trips away, including 3 weeks in the Lake District. More of that later. But before I went there, I took my Silver Award and failed! Guess what I failed on? The controlled greeting. The examiner was very friendly so I was as well. Apparently too friendly! I couldn't resist jumping up and showing my affection by mouthing his forearm. Daddy thought I had failed straight away and he was right. I did everything else perfectly, so what's the problem?

Friday, 30 October 2009


Me and my friends (or is it My friends and I? - I haven't mastered the English language yet) waiting to be asked to come inside after a lovely walk yesterday.

Thursday, 29 October 2009

Springer spaniels

I am entertaining my friends, the two springer spaniels, for the week. Here we are, sunning it in at the end of October. Great weather we are having.

Saturday, 10 October 2009


Here I am at the River Kennet again. Daddy says this is my highest dive yet!

Sunday, 20 September 2009

A deer and a horse

Just had a great local walk, one of my favourites in fact. Not only that, I impressed Daddy as we went into a field with a horse and a deer. The deer looked as though he thought he belonged to the horse. I was off the lead and only half-heartedly gave chase. The deer was not too bothered and stayed with the horse and I came back. The fact that I was hot and tired had nothing to do with it! That is the first time we have seen a deer in Alveston.
Deer at EveryTrail

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Dogs Trust

I had a relatively dull day yesterday as Daddy spent a lot more time on the computer. However, things perked up when we had a visit from two people from the Dogs Trust. I like them because they played with me. One of them hadn't heard of a flat-coated retriever before, so I educated him. Daddy signed up and we are now sponsoring Roxy Rocket and Skippy. A worthy cause, I reckon. Well done, Daddy!

Thursday, 10 September 2009


Last night I went to training after missing another week or so. I think I am improving. However, the toughest part was the game we played - a down-stay relay! I found this very hard, but our team won the best out of three, so I couldn't have been that bad.

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

A wet time in the Lake District

Well, it rained and it rained and it rained. But who cares? I love swimming and I couldn't get enough of it. Coniston Water was overflowing, which is unusual for this time of year, but it isn't as high as last October when the boathouse was flooded.

I went on some great local walks and, on the only fine day, a high level one up Coniston Old Man. Here are our recorded walks (ie excluding the short ones down to the lake).

Yew Bank from Water Yeat, via Torver Tarn at EveryTrail

Map created by EveryTrail: GPS Trip Sharing with Google Maps

Quick walk up Beacon Fell at EveryTrail

Map created by EveryTrail: GPS Community

Beacon Tarn and Cockenskell at EveryTrail

Map created by EveryTrail: GPS Trip Sharing with Google Maps

High Nibthwaite, High Bethecar and Low Nibthwaite at EveryTrail

Map created by EveryTrail: Geotagging Community

Boo Tarn, Coniston Old Man and Low Water at EveryTrail

Map created by EveryTrail: GPS Trip Sharing with Google Maps

Boo Tarn
Low Water

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

My latest picture

I am still recovering from my holidays but manage to squeeze in my usual
ball games in my busy schedule!

Wednesday, 12 August 2009


While Daddy was galivanting off to India, I stayed in this country and had a great time, as you can see from this photo. Thank you, Happy Paws!

Thursday, 9 July 2009

Kennel Club dog photographer of the year 2009 competition

Which of these should I enter in this competition? Please choose one from each category and vote in the polls on the right hand panel.



















Saturday, 4 July 2009

Wye Valley Walk leg 3

We returned to the river Wye yesterday. I was very disappointed as I could not get down to the river much and it was very warm. Anyway, I had a great walk and I am sleeping it off today.

Wye Valley Walk leg 3 at EveryTrail

Map created by EveryTrail: GPS Community

Had lunch at Ye Hostelrie Hotel, Goodrich.

Daddy was given a tip by someone we met at Goodrich Castle to stop me pulling - works a treat. Hint: it's to do with a timber hitch!

Thursday, 2 July 2009

Silver class

I attended my first silver/gold class last night. It was very hot and I was very excited to see my old friends again, especially Sky, a Gordon Setter. Anyway, I got to learn a new command 'send away'. I don't like that very much!

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Friday, 26 June 2009

18 months old

I am now 18 months old and 25 kilos. Here is a picture of me and another flat-coat on my last visit to Newbury. For a flat-coat that's supposed not to like other flat-coats, I thought he was very friendly!


Daddy didn't tell me there was a muntjac on this walk in Newbury (Lambourn Valley Way through Donnington Grove golf course) and I missed it, darn it! I suppose that makes up for times when I see or smell something and Daddy doesn't (which is most of the time). It is a bit blurred as he took it on his mobile phone and blew it up. According to Wikipedia, muntjacs are 13-35 million years old. Wow!

Saturday, 13 June 2009

More pics from the Lakes

Whee! I love jumping off the pier.

Me and sheep - I can take them or leave them. It all depends what else is on offer!

Thursday, 11 June 2009

I've got a rosette!

Well, we got back from the Lakes yesterday and today we went to school for my Kennel Club bronze award. And guess what? I passed! 7 out of 9 of us passed and we are promoted to the silver class when we meet again in three weeks time - phew!

Now that is what I call a walk!

On Monday, we returned to the Langdale Valley and walked up Rossett Pike, Esk Pike, Bow Fell and Crinkle Crags. The best thing was that we found loads of tarns to bag. Sometimes, Daddy found them before I did, but not often! The worst thing was the 'bad step' which I opted out of.

My favourite walk in the Langdales at EveryTrail

Map created by EveryTrail: Share GPS Tracks

Rossett Gill
Rossett Pike

Esk Pike
Bow Fell
Three Tarns

Shelter Tarn
Unnamed tarn on Crinkle Crags
Crinkle Crag Tarn
On the highest Crinkle Crag
You cannot be serious!
'Bad step'
Stonesty Tarn
Great Knott Tarn
Red Tarn